Weight Management

Weight Loss

There are hundreds of fad diets on google, and product misconceptions which we are so desperate to try in the hope of shedding those extra kilos. The internet is good to keep us informed but don’t let crash diets fool you. When you crash diet, as the name suggests, you end up crashing and giving up. It’s not sustainable. They can lead to quick re-gain of weight, nutritional deficiencies, muscle loss and slower metabolism.

Focus on losing weight in a healthy gradual process, so that it’s sustainable and can becomes a lifestyle change. Aim to lose the % of fat in your body and increase lean muscle mass. Higher lean muscle mass will improve metabolism and BMI, thus increasing the number of calories you burn per day. This is particularly important, because as we age, it is natural that our metabolism declines, and we lose muscle. Those in their 30’s may have noticed this with weight gain in stubborn areas (lower stomach, hips and thighs).

There is no such thing as a quick fix or gimmick to losing weight! If you are looking for a sustainable healthy plan, that you can follow until your old age, then book an appointment with our nutritionist so you can lose weight the RIGHT WAY!

Weight Gain

Most people think only about weight in the aspect of being overweight or obese. However, being underweight is an equally serious condition, and can lead to vitamin deficiency, Anemia and bone deficiencies like Osteoporosis. In India, 10% of the population (13 crore people) are underweight (BMI below 18.5). Being underweight lowers your immune function, increasing your risk of infections, and fertility complications.

Gaining weight can be tricky, especially because it is important to gain ‘good’ weight in a healthy and correct manner. Our nutritionists will focus on you gaining lean muscle mass, by increasing intakes of proteins and good fats.